Wednesday 12 August 2020

She looked at me


She looked at me a bit doubtfully

Just what does she expect of me

We are all brought up differently

She was probably never hungry

While I sometimes ate slice of stale bread

Or even pinched apple from a tree

That didn't even belong to me

And wore old trousers frayed at knee

My mother worked at shop in downtown

As war was on and wages low

Dad often worked and far to go

I walked to school in rain or no

I knew that her life was far better

She was luckly that's surely true

But no need to make me feel blue

Just trying to do what I can do

She looked at me now biting her lip

Was sorry now for what she said

"Sorry" she said shaking her head

For all the things I may have said

Curiously we dated after that

Wasn't long before our first kiss

Honest and true did nothing amiss

Years later we were married in bliss


  1. A happy ever after story. Luv it
    Happy Wednesday Robin


  2. An explanation of a few things ... nicely done.

  3. This is incredibly romantic, Robin! Sometimes we just know when things are meant to be. Thank you so much for writing to the prompt ❤️

  4. Lovely weaved story with a happy ending. I needed that today.

  5. I like this happy story. :)

  6. It can be a little tough when we are stuck in our own world views and fail to understand that our personal experiences aren't universal. But thankfully love can go a long way in helping others understand.
