Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Different eyes

How can you see me with different eyes?
Just how can you see where truth really lies
I am not as so many others see me
Do believe me as I am trustworthy

You now look askance at me, I feel blue
They have invented lies that are not true
You're really the prettiest girl I've seen
And I love that your pretty eyes are green

Please let us walk home one fine day
I promise I won't hold your hand. Okay?
That is unless of course you want me to
We can do whatever you want to do

Of course I've noticed you for some time
You should have checked your mum, as she knows mine
Yes, it's okay to walk home now and then
 But not everyday, I will tell you when

And don't invent stories of what we do
For what we say is between me and you
We will do that and then see how it goes
And I like that you have a long straight nose

There is one more thing that will have to be
Don't start saying you're going out with me
We'll be friends as we live close, you and I
And no kissing yet...until by and by

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  1. O...I love this one specially "That is unless of course you want me to"...Sweet.

  2. The sweet awkwardness of school romance.. !!

  3. What a great romantic piece

  4. Haha! Light and sly, and right on about the inventions. I like both voices being included.

  5. lovely write , a little romance and the tie in to inventions was brought back some memories from long ago... :)

  6. Inventing stories is the best thing of all!

  7. So romantic, to take things slowly.....this took me back to being walked home after school by a beau. Sigh.

  8. I enjoyed the idea of trusting others enough to be on a walk and trusting yourself enough to feel free. I am grateful for connecting with this piece today, thank you Robin!
    "And don't invent stories of what we do"-- this truly made me laugh! Thanks for the treat.... fantastic!

  9. I love this. I'm amazed at all the sweet little stories about relationships that you insert in your poetry. You have a gift.

  10. I like the gently convincing tone in this re-invention of a relationship, Robin, in 'Do believe me as I am trustworthy' and 'don't invent stories of what we do / For what we say is between me and you', along with the compliments and promises. So sweet and innocent.

  11. I think you have captured the thoughts of the very young.
