Sunday, 4 August 2013

Our love is now gone

I am become nothing

What I was is long gone

And have no voice to sing


I hear the children play

Their games are not for me

‘Cos I’m done so they say


I wear shoes on my feet

I’ll not be absorbed by

The earth that would me eat


My mind is rambling on

And coins have a dull ring

Everything is now gone


Your eyes, your lips, your hands

All our love has now fled

Blown away with the sands


  1. on my wanders around Milton Keynes I sat in the church and found a bible open one verse caught me ' he weighs the islands as though they were fine dust'..your words..sense of being slipping through hands..being stranded by time and consequence..seems to fit..sand can become gold..somehow? j x

    1. Yes Jae, that is a beautiful verse and reminds us how small we are and how short our lives are.

  2. Pensive, wistful, melancholy; well written.

  3. so poignant, the last stanza in particular. but still we can draw inspiration to what's around us, right?

  4. often times a story of loss or losing, after making us feel sad, makes us appreciate more of what is. this poem does that too.
    I wear shoes on my feet
    I’ll not be absorbed by
    The earth that would me eat

    never heard anything like that and never could have imagined that myself.
