Tuesday, 1 January 2013


It always gets everyone amused
That I should always be confused
When a brand new and shiny year
Is thrust upon us my dear

It’s as though this new born baby year       
Instead of laughing is I fear             
Is wetting and puking on me                                 
As far as that I can see                                

As years progress my mind does wander
I rue all the days I’ve squandered   
Plans are few, I’m never elated                  
Just discombobulated.


  1. Totally delightful take on the prompt and wonderful welcome for the New Year! I feel much like you do Old Egg, like I'm just trying to fumble my way thru life and hope it all works out for the best. This year... more writing is the one definite, everything else is open to possibilities! Wishing you great surprises in store, we are never too old to be amazed! Thank you for your onoing support of Two Shoes Tuesday my friend!

  2. Nice poem, I really like it! Great how you mixed all those words together. : )

  3. Lovely poem...New year would be wonderful...Life is but a mix of ups and downs
