Sunday, 6 March 2011

Raw meat

I look in the freezer; it is well stocked with frozen lumps of stuff I cannot eat. Look here are a few bits of Chinese leftovers. Spring Rolls. Why didn’t we throw them out? They would happier in the bin by the back shed to come alive again, squirming with life until the bin man comes to take the stinking mess away to start a new life somewhere else but not with me.

What is this? I try to work out what the meat is. I finally guess the answer. It is a rack of lamb. I think it should go in the oven and be roasted for a bit and then cut up into little choplets, all succulent, tender, oozing with fat and eaten with roast potatoes and to counteract all that fat, some steamed vegetables. But I can’t contemplate all this raw meat anymore. It sickens me. I am not hungry. I close the freezer door and let it all mourn for you in a cold sadness. While I mourn for you in sadness too, neither cold nor hot, but numb. You could even say that I am raw too. Tender or tough? I haven’t made up my mind on that one.

You were tender; soft as a ripe plum, oozing with love that was all for me alone. Now you have gone. I don’t know where you have gone but wherever it is, are you laughing now? Laughing at me as I wonder what to do with all this raw meat?


  1. Not sure who to feel more sorry for - you or the meat! I was taken in by the story and could actually picture that package of lamb laughing - baa haa haa. Sorry, couldn't resist.

    Thanks for sharing

  2. My feelings were raw when I wrote mine too.

  3. A tale that grew serious as it took on deeper meanings that spoke to me clearly. "Tender or Tough"? Good question, perhaps the inspiration for a blogpost of its own!

  4. Memories that haunt even in the most innocent of places.


  5. I like that you wrote the first verse showing the stuff discarded to become alive again. I like that idea.
    Hmm rack of lamb , you must be rich, lol.
    Then another change of direction......

  6. It's funny how the simplest of things haunt us when our emotions are raw. You portrayed it well.

  7. You weave a tale so beautifully, i always have a sense of wonder reading yours!


  8. This was a beautiful take on this prompt. I love the frustration with the meat and the contrast between being tough and tender.
    My Blog

  9. Robin, the connection between raw meat and your own raw emotions is good stuff. You also capture well the not cold/not hot... numb of the truly mournful.

    This was a great piece, as sad as it was to read. Amy BL

  10. I think it is so apt that even the meat, frozen solid, in the freezer misses Mum.

    She was loved by so many, why not the meat too.

    I think we both know that she wouldn't want to miss out on a roast lamb dinner.

  11. Luckily I restrict myself to veggies and do not fall into a predicament like this one!!

    Well narrated, the memories, some humor and all that you want in a good tale!!

    kept my attention throughout!!

  12. I don't usually comment until I have written my piece but I am dancing around this one for a bit. After reading yours, I know why. The word conjures up so much...
    Hugs to you. And eat man - even if it isn't meat! Now I have to go cry.

  13. After our bit of 'insider trading', so to speak, all I can say is: Damned well written. I must admit, it would have fooled me too.

  14. I think both 'tender and tough'..that freezer will be filled with different things now..but the the one you love will always be there..laughing (kindly) and loving..Jae

  15. missing someone, Oldegg? I think so.. or atleast it made me feel so.. felt like much more than just a rack of lamb!

    Leo @ I Rhyme Without Reason

  16. ....'all this raw meat'.... and all this raw emotion.

    And you describe new life in ways I wouldn't expect.

    Heartbreakingly good.

  17. That was a really good (and raw) take on the prompt.
    Mad Kane

  18. Loved the imagery...

  19. Well, that was raw, huh? A wonderful, usual, fascinating take on the prompt!

  20. Nice take on the prompt. Very descriptive!
    Seems that you must be missing someone :(

  21. Aww..that's so touching. I hope someone else comes along for you to laugh and eat meat with.

  22. Robin,
    Meat as emotion, people, loss, tough vs. tender, all this in the "raw" context. Fascinating use of the prompt.

    The use of associations in this poem was really effective. Congrats!

    Here's mine:

    Peace, Amy
