Wednesday, 10 October 2012

The Joy of Being

It rained overnight
Instead of dampening thoughts
They are lifted anew

So off for brisk walk
No feeling miserable
And smile as you go

No matter how old
You are reborn in springtime
Cracking life’s shell

Smell the promise now
As our story is retold
And here to enjoy

Now you are at one
With the world not detached
The joy in being

See, laugh and savour
Nature’s rich fecundity
Wonder in today


  1. It always fascinates me how as you welcome Spring there, we prepare to embrace Winter here. Just when the world seems so small, it gets a bit bigger again. Lovely poem. Thank you.

  2. This is just marvelous writing, Robin. I like all the stanzas, but that first stanza is outstanding.

  3. There is a positivity about Spring that you bring to your poem. I like your film crits.Have not seen any of them but will do.

  4. An Ode to Spring! What a fine set of Haiku which, I must admit, have made me feel quite disconsolate as we are moving into a wet and windy early winter. It's a bit like Hartlepool on a rainy Wednesday here.

  5. I love that you see the positive and the uplifting as well. Great words :)

  6. you can always be trusted to see light..shine..wonder..for that thank you..jae

  7. I really enjoy your cogent film criticism.

  8. Lucky you! Then again, fall is nice too. And spring comes again to us all. :-)

  9. I'm having a tiny problem I can't seem to be able to subscribe your feed, I'm using google reader by the way.

  10. Mmm, awake and new in this refreshing rain. Yours is spring and ours is fall, cleansing just the same. Very much so enjoyed this piece! Happy springtime!!
