Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Io and my first night together (No 2)

Every now and then Io and I would appear to be normal passengers on the plane. She would choose her food, select her drinks and accept the little free travel pack of toiletries that the airlines thought made up for the fact you were paying three times the price for your seat compared with that of a cattle class seat.
Some of my jokes with Io did not go down well. You may need reminding that Io was a Naiad or daughter of the springs; actually she was the daughter of the river god Inachus. So her life was to inhabit the rivers and streams and either to frighten the hell out of passers by or occasionally do something beneficial, perhaps, such as to sing to people as they drowned. Hera however selected her to be her handmaiden or whatever and it is then that Zeus who was a sort of president of all the gods and was both brother and husband to Hera took a fancy to Io. Zeus was quite a philanderer and Hera suspected that he had got his eye on Io with his past history of being the two timing bastard that he was. Zeus got a little wary as it is in his nature to ravish any good looking bird in his sight so he quickly transformed Io into a beautiful white heifer, hoping nobody will notice that Hera’s hand maiden was missing.
Hera was not fooled and seeing this beautiful new beast in the paddock asks Zeus if she could have it as a present. Zeus is now in a pickle, he can’t refuse such a simple request or that will confirm his subterfuge so agrees hoping that will assuage all Hera’s doubts. Hera is not daft and sets the hundred eyed Argus to keep watch on Io day and night. Zeus in his turn desperate to possess Io gets his mate Hermes the messenger to kill Argus. This clearly is not an easy task as even when Argus is sleeping half his eyes are still open and not only does he have a hundred eyes but a hundred arms as well. So Hermes goes along and has a chat with Argus and they talk all the night through, Hermes telling him lots of such boring stories and jokes that eventually every one of Argus eyes are closed. Hermes then kills Argus and Io can be released.

I thought that Io would go berserk when I asked why she chose business class rather than cattle class for this trip. She seemed puzzled at first explaining that I was the only person on the plane that she had met before so naturally she chose to sit by me. Then she suddenly twigged the cattle class joke. She was so furious. I don’t know about being a naiad she was more like a Fury just then. I was scared. But all of a sudden she quietened down.
“That is what I like about you, Robin.” She said with a cute little smile,” You are not scared of me.”
“Should I be?”
“Just don’t let me down.”
“Have you ever flown before?”
She looked at me strangely. “How did you know?”
“I didn’t, I was just asking.”
She looked into my eyes and I had that feeling she was reading my mind. Satisfied I was telling the truth she went on.
“I did a test flight with Icarus with his new wings when he and his father were trying to escape from Crete. I was there on the island of Samos with Hera when she first appointed me to be her handmaiden…you know like I was in training.”
I nodded understandingly.
“He couldn’t keep his mind on just flying to safety. He just had to skim over the waves then fly high to the sun just for the exhilaration of it…”
“He wanted to impress you so you would fancy him then?” I suggested.
“Don’t be so jealous Robin.”
“I am not jealous.” I lied. “But you must have distracted him.”
She looked at me doubtfully. “It wasn’t my fault, just shut up about Icarus.”
Her lips pouted with annoyance as she demolished me with those words. She turned away from me and glanced at the in-flight magazine flicking over the pages but without reading them.
She must have had a long think about things as she eventually put the magazine away then curled up facing away from me then drifted off to sleep. She muttered a few slurred words now and then which I could hardly make out. Did she say kokkinolaimus? What in heaven was a kokk-in-o-laim-us?
The cabin crew had put the lights out now, so I made a quick dash to the toilets to tidy up and brush my teeth then put down the seat as my bed for the night. As I snuggled down under the blanket and eventually got off to sleep I made a resolution not to rile her in future.
When I woke up about two hours later she had turned over facing me, she was still asleep though, but now she was holding my hand.

Kokkinolaimis - Robin

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Ahu and the feast that ended in tears (Part 32)

It had been a good season for all at Black Sands. All the fish drying racks were full and the vegetable storage bins were stacked. Everyone had a pleased look on there faces as they contemplated a few easy weeks to follow.

The village headman decided that a hangi was appropriate with dancing and singing and much food to be eaten at this hakari for this festive season. And so the preparations began. Everyone was involved preparing the pits for roasting the fish and the birds and any small animals they could catch for the earth ovens.

Ahu was also involved but she did so a slower pace than that of all the other women, she was pregnant again. Luckily both Tangaroa and Hekehoru could look after themselves and they too raced about the village to see what was happening leaving Ahu far behind.

The great round stones for the cooking pits were placed in the fires and heated up then carefully placed in the holes. Branches with their leaves still on were placed on top and the meat and the vegetables placed on these and covered with more leaves and herbs which in was covered with earth. As the heat seeped through wisps of steam and delicious odours filled the area as the village gathered and the speeches and dancing began.

As a member of the village council Ahuahu sat with the chief and the other village elders, with his family close by. The children’s eyes sparkled with the reflection of the flames from the central fire and Hekehoru clapped with excitement at the dancers and the show of strength from the warriors chanting and threatening then finally showing respect for the people gathered there.

The food was eaten noisily and with much talking and laughter. Then it was time for the young unmarried girls and youths to dance. Tangaroa got up and tried to mimic their actions but by this time Hekehoru was getting tired and had curled up with Ahu with her eyes trying not to close should she miss something.

Ahu indicated to Ahuahu that she was taking Hekehoru home and to watch Tangaroa as more dancing continued and kava was drunk. Just as the feast was winding to a close a young man ran into the village, it was a boy from the Hot Springs settlement. He ran up to Kamaka, whispered to him. Kamaka turned and indicated to Ahuahu that they should speak.

There had been an accident at the hot pools, Kaihutu had been badly scolded by an extra large eruption from one of the hotter pools and was in much pain and Hatiti was frightened for him. Kamaka looked to Ahuahu for help.

“I will go to Ahu and see if she had anything to help his pain. But should they not put him a cold pool to help?”

“The skin is badly blistered, it does not look good.”

Kamaka nodded. “You go there now but I will follow in a little while.”

Although Kamaka agreed he also said, “They do not think he will survive.”

With that Ahuahu rushed back to his house, Ahu was sitting on the porch and was surprised to see Ahuahu back so soon.

“I didn’t think I would see you till morning.”

“Kaihutu is badly hurt have you anything to help the pain from scalding?”

Ahu’s face fell and she burst into tears, “Why do the gods play with us so, husband?”

Ahuahu helped her to get up as they went inside the hut to find her remedies.

She gave him some dried leaves, “These might ease the burning feeling but he must chew them. But surely they will have them there?”
“I am worried Ahu, he may not be conscious.”
“Hurry then, Ahuahu.”
Kaihutu died that night, he never regained consciousness. Ahu thought that it was so true that you should never show how happy you are. Hatiti had paid that penalty.
She loved Hatiti dearly. She wept for her sadness and when Kaihutu had been buried in the traditional burial grounds and the period of mourning was passed. Ahu sent a message to Hatiti to visit her.
Hatiti came down the following day.
“Would you stay with me when our new baby is born, Hatiti? I would like you with me.”
Hatiti looked at Ahu, “For weeks I wanted that when Ahuahu rescued me after the tidal wave. Do you really want that now?” Before Ahu could answer, Hatiti continued. “I loved my husband Kaihutu dearly thanks to you. I am grieving for him now with so much pain. That will pass and then I might look on Ahuahu again if he is near me. You do not want that.”
“Men cannot help but to look sideways, Hatiti. It is better that I choose who he should look at. But that time has not come yet.”
“Forgive me Ahu, Even though I have seen you regularly I have hardly seen or spoken to Ahuahu for two years, do you not know why?”
“Yes, Hatiti, I do. But your love for both of us is genuine. I am not jealous of you anymore.”
“I will tell my mother-in law I will be staying with you while you have the baby.”
With that Hatiti laid her head in Ahu’s lap and cried as Ahu stroked her hair.
Hakari - Feast
Hangi - Earth Oven

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

A conversation with Io (No. 1)

I made a big mistake having a stopover in Athens on the way back to Australia after a holiday in the UK. Trouble was I had read the ads, saw the photos and marvelled at Greece’s ancient history. So I too wanted touch the past. Did I make a mistake! Perhaps I should have done that first at the start of the vacation. But I didn’t and with the wind rumpling my hair in the cold Attic wind staring at crumbling temples, listening to the prattling of the guides about the beliefs of the past as well as the boring tourists who I regretfully formed a part, just about drove me out of my mind. I was glad to board the plane home for the festive season with my family. Once in a while you have to splash out and I had invested in a business class round trip and that has spoilt me for any future travel abroad.

There was an empty seat by my side so I was pleased that I would not have the flicker of their screen all night as they watched some dumb movie while I was trying to sleep. Just as we were in the middle of the safety instructions a late passenger was escorted down the aisle. It was a rather disorganized young girl who tripped and stumbled her way along and then was directed to the window seat alongside me. She had virtually no hand luggage, just a large red leather handbag which presumably contained all she needed.

I nodded a hello, and settled back down again. She in her turn looked all around her, checked her seat controls and was about to recline her seat so I tried to dissuade her until after take off. She complied but grinned at me cheekily and said “So you are a Taurus too.” I nodded an agreement in puzzlement as the plane taxied out from the terminal.

“We’ve met before.” She said.

“We have?” I queried.

“You were looking at the temples weren’t you? I saw you at the Acropolis as well as Olympia.”

“Sorry, I never noticed you. Don’t you think the temple of Hera at Olympia was a little sad though, being so ruined, but at least it is there that they light the Olympic flame isn’t it? It is like a link with the past.”

“That bitch! They should have pulled the whole lot down.”

“Well that is what the gods were like, always fighting each other, luckily they doesn’t influence us anymore or at least I hope not.” I responded jokingly.

“That is what you think. Why do you think I am on this plane?”

At this point I thought I had better introduce myself. “I’m Robin, just going back home to Australia.” I held out my hand to shake hers. She looked a little doubtful but placed her hand in mine. I was electrified. What a fantastically beautiful hand it was. It fitted right into mine soft, warm and ridiculously sexy. I had never thought of hands as that sexy before. Pretty yes, but sexy?

I looked up into her eyes, they were smiling seductively. She clearly was thinking hard before she said anything else but then blurted out “Io” with a tiny shrug of her shoulders.

“From Iolanthe? Were your parents fond of Gilbert and Sullivan?”

“No, just Io.”

“Oh it’s a Greek name isn’t it? I am sorry I never though that you were Greek.”

“I am not, I am a Naiad.”

At this point, the stewardess came round with an offer of drinks. So while we were choosing our tipple, it suddenly dawned on me she was pulling my leg. I grinned back at her, quickly trying to remember my Greek mythology.

“Oh yes your Dad’s name was Inachus wasn’t it, can’t remember your mum’s name though.”


“Was it? Well you’re Greek you should know.”

“I am not Greek!’ She was getting a bit worked up again. “I am Arcadian.”

“Yes, right. So, you’re going to Australia?”

“Is that where we are going?”

“How did you get on this plane without knowing where you are going?”

“I followed you. It is all finished back there.” She gestured behind us and I naturally assumed she meant Greece, the Euro and the financial crisis.

“I had to choose someone that could help me. So you’re it. You will help me won’t you?”

Her smile was so seductive, and at that point she placed a hand on my thigh and looked at me with pleading eyes. I was electrified. I can’t mention what else was happening to me.

With my last fragment of sanity I said “You probably don’t need me at all.”

“You’re right,” she said removing her hand, “But I thought it might be fun with a younger man.”

“Io,” I stuttered, “I am over seventy. I am not a younger man.”

“How old do you think I am then?’” She replied flicking her ten fingers up at me what appeared to be hundreds of times, finishing with just four on the right hand. “It will work out.”

I don’t know why, but I had an uneasy feeling about this, she must be about 3500 years old. No, I forgot those last four fingers, make it 3504.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Ahu and her sleepless night (No 31)

When Ahu returned home from her day in the forest she tried to act normally even though the weight of her knowledge of Hinewai’s unfaithfulness to her husband Torangi tore at her heart. She was hurt by having to witness such a betrayal in the forest; which was one of her favourite places where she felt she could pray to her favourite gods, to talk to her long dead parents and to be filled with the joy of experiencing nature at work creating, blooming and fruiting and withering in life’s perpetual cycle. That had been ruined by an unbearable ugliness. She continued weeping as she prepared the roots and leaves that she had collected to make her remedies for everyday ills that she and her family and friends were subjected to. She wanted to curl up on her mat on the floor and sleep. She knew she couldn’t as Ahuahu and the children would be back soon looking for a meal so she took one or two deep breaths and went to look at the fish on the drying frame.

Ahuahu returned a short time later with the children both worn out after the day with their father. She knelt down before them and hugged them both and at the same time running her hands over their faces and smiling into their eyes. Tangaroa soon broke free and started chatting about their day while Hekehoru continued to relish the fondling she was receiving from her mother. Hekehoru in her turn touched her mother’s face and hugged her. She then turned to her father and said “Mama’s been crying.”

That night after the children were asleep and Ahuahu held Ahu in his arm he murmured words of aroha to her. As he stroked her he told her of his concern for her, how he wanted to share her hurt and to take way her pain. She snuggled into the safety of his arms but still had a sleepless night.

The next day she went to see Hatiti to take the leaves of the Hopopo plant to her. She took Hekehoru with her so that she could play with Hatiti’s baby. Ahu and Hatiti were like loving sisters now and they greeted each other warmly. So while Hekehoru played with Hatiti’s baby who was trying to crawl round the floor the two women talked of many things.

“You look tired Ahu, are you not well?”

“I cannot sleep I have a memory that troubles me.”

“You are normally so strong,” said Hatiti stroking Ahu’s arm. “Can you tell me?”

“We are sisters now, Hatiti, I must talk to someone. I cannot tell Ahuahu as men think differently to us.”

Hatiti held Ahu’s hand and said “Talk to me.”

Ahu was silent for a little while and then slowly began to tell her of what she had witnessed in the forest. All the while Hatiti stroked Ahu’s arm.

When she had finished, Ahu then added. “It is good to have let it all out.”

“Ahu, nothing has changed. Hoata and I knew that Hinewai was being unfaithful to her husband Torangi. We cannot live others lives for them. You are hurt because the forest was such a precious place for you. That has not changed either.”

At this Ahu shook her head.

Hatiti continued. “You yourself told me how special the forest was. How it was there before us and will be there after we have gone. It grows, brings forth life, and it dies just like us. But to us it lives on as if unchanging.”

Hatiti’s looked up into Ahu’s face, the tears were still there but there was a little smile on her face.

“Everything that happens in to forest is eventually hidden and covered up with leaves and fallen branches. The rain will wash all that hurt of yours away.”

“It is so good to talk to you, Hatiti.”

"Mama" called out Hekehoru, "Baby is all wet."

"We should never have called her Horowai," exclaimed Hatiti.

With that everyone laughed. Ahu was no longer sick at heart.

Aroha - to love, feel pity, feel concern for, feel compassion, empathise
Horowai - Girl's name meaning Waterfall

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Rastus at the beach (No 7)

Now you would think that all the effort that Rastus and I had put in winning Penny over would have done us some good. For a few weeks everything was fine. Whenever she had a day or two off we would visit her or she would come down to us.

We were a happy band of three tied together with a curious love. Penny loved Rastus. Rastus loved Penny and me. I loved both Penny and Rastus. But the relationship between Penny and me was a little odd. She was funny, warm, pliant, and so lovable…but I could sense she was holding something back. She had already guessed that I was recovering from a break-up in a previous entanglement from which I had emerged with a few thorns for my troubles. But that is the problem with men we don’t have a mind like a dentist’s drill searching out all the cavities and pain of someone else’s life. We just take things at face value.

Last week she had come down to my place for a sleepover. Well that is what we called it but I hoped I would be suffering from lack of sleep the next day. What bliss there is to wake up next to the person you love in the morning. To reach out and touch and kiss them as they too stir and to breathe in that exquisite musky scent of her body that you couldn’t get enough of the previous night. As I was gently kissing her tummy I felt her fingers run through my hair and then she wrapped both arms around me and hugged me tight. For all the closeness we never discussed future plans. You know the sort of thing moving in together, establishing whose toothbrush went where and just who was boss in the kitchen. Each deferring to the other that would establish us as Kurt Vonnegut had described it as a “karass” of two or more. Two people so bonded together in love that they were like Siamese twins that were an entity to themselves. Us against the world. Sadly we were not like that and I began to suspect that I was the one at fault. In fact I was coming to believe I was a stuppa” or fog bound child.

The penny finally dropped (and no that is not a joke) when we got up very early in the morning to go for a walk on the beach. It was deserted and Penny had slipped her sandals off and paddled at the edge of the water while we strolled along together but not close each doing their own thing. Rastus checking out the scuttling crabs and stinky dead fish with a satisfied grin on his face; Penny walked along at the waters edge and looking at her I could see she was singing some happy song but I couldn’t make out the words. I on the other hand was searching for the rare finds on the beach; the perfect shell, the smooth pebble with a fascinating colour in it and the worn pieces of broken glass from so many years ago that finally the sea decided did not have a place in its bosom and tossed it back at man for his impudence.

So as we walked our separate ways we drifted apart and looking back Rastus was equidistant between us so I called him. He cocked his ears searched around saw me then bounded up to tell me what he had been up to. Penny saw this and called him in turn. Immediately he raced back to her in excitement and we kept this up until he could see through our little game and sat back down on the sand immobile except for his tongue lolling out looking quite pleased with the game as when he had got his breathe back he barked a joyful bark. He had however settled in close proximity to Penny. She then came toward him and they sat on the sand together.

It was at that moment I had a sudden revelation. I had missed out. I had missed the message. I was going to lose Penny unless I gave her something. It wasn’t the plastic bag of beach finds; it wasn’t the superficial love and affection that was our lovemaking; or the snuggling up together on the settee watching old movies, it was something far more valuable. She knew I had been let down in a previous relationship by reading the signs. She gave herself utterly to me and I had merely taken what she offered. I had however not given the most important thing back to her. It was an all encompassing trust and understanding that she had given me. Even Rastus had understood that at their very first meeting when he sat with her on that park bench and placed his head on her knees. He had somehow said to her “I understand your pain.”

She had been hurt just like me but I had failed to recognise that. If this relationship with her was to survive. I had to do something…now. I called out “Penny, Penny.” Then started running over to where they were. They both looked up in curiosity.

When I reached them I fell on the sand by their sides. Rastus got up, gave me a lick then sat down again.

“I have been a fool. I love you completely, utterly, without reservation. I have been blind to your pain. You saw that I had been devastated by a previous relationship but didn’t even recognise that you too had been through the same trauma. Isn’t that so?”

Penny reached forward and touched my face; gently tracing her fingers round my chin and over my nose then fingered my ears and came to rest holding the back of my neck. She spoke not a word.

I went on “I was so near to losing you wasn’t I? That would have been some retribution for my thoughtlessness.”

She shook her head sadly. “I hadn’t given up on you yet. But my, you came close. If it wasn’t for Rastus saying to stick with you for a little longer, who knows?”

Rastus had recovered from his exertions, came over and sat down by our sides trying to touch both of us with his body at the same time.

“So what treasures did you find?” she said pointing to the results of my fossicking.

“What are the treasures of the world if you are not part of me?” I reached over to hold on to her ankle hoping we could fuse together in one being.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Ahu learns of Hinewai’s indiscretion (Part 30)

Ahu was spending some time alone in the forest gathering leaves and herbs for medicine. It was one of her guilty pleasures to be able to get away completely from her normal tasks leaving the children in Ahuahu’s care when he chose not to go fishing because of the choppy sea. Hoata had taken Paikea back up to the hot springs to see Hatiti so Ahu was all by herself. She had already gathered a few roots from the Karewao vine whose sap was good to stop bleeding from a wound, leaves from the Horopipo plant which helped toothache and was good to put on rashes and the breasts of nursing mothers. She had collected these for Hatiti. She still was looking for the Akakura vine whose sap could be made into an antiseptic. Mainly though she had taken time to drink in the solitude of the forest with the wind whispering to her in the trees and the birds calling to their mates of her passing. She wanted heaven to be like this free from all the cares of life. She remembered her childhood before she was orphaned when her mother told her of the spirits in the woods and how precious life was. She tried to recapture that fairytale world as she went about gathering the plants she needed.
About midday she settled down with her back to a tree well off the beaten pathway and searched for the fruit she had brought with her to eat. She ate that quietly then closed her eyes and listened to the sounds around her and wondered whether she dare sleep a little while. She decided against that, so opened her eyes again and watched a giant Weta insect sitting quietly as she was on a tree observing her in its turn. In the distance she heard a laugh and a squeal of delight. A boy and girl must have met in the woods in secret. She scanned the distance but could see no movement. So she turned back to the Weta but it had gone. I must go too she thought and reluctantly got to her feet and started to make her way back to the village.
She had not gone but a few paces when the laughter was heard again. Ahu was cross now as she might have to take a different route home. She stood still for a moment and decided that either they would see her or not, it mattered little and walked on. Clearly they didn’t hear her for she heard the couple laughing again close by. He bit her lip in frustration and then sat down again so that she would not walk right upon them. They were very close. They were talking and this time Ahu recognised the voice of the girl; it was Hinewai. Ahu slunk back into the bushes and fumed with irritation. She could hear some of their conversation.
“Why must I do it this way?”
“So you do not bruise me and my husband will see.”
“But I want to see your face and touch you.”
“No, you mustn’t. You may touch my hair.”
The boy moaned with annoyance but after a few complaints, he continued,
“So you prefer a younger man, Hinewai?”
“Not if he moans all the time”
“You are so beautiful.”
“Just don’t stop.”
“I will have to soon.”
“Then you better send someone else to take your place.”
By this time Ahu had put her hands over her ears. After a few minutes she uncovered them to hear the boy say.
“Thank you for choosing me, Hinewai.”
“I may pick you again, if you promise to talk less. Say nothing about this or I shall tell my husband you took me by force.”
Ahu glanced up and saw them through the bushes. Hinewai was smiling at the boy who was now allowed to stroke her breasts before she covered them. She then hit him heavily on the face with her clenched fist. He half fell to the ground.
“Why did you do that? I thought I made you happy.”
“You did but that is so that your friends can see I refused you.” She said as she bent forward and touched his bruised face in affection. “Do not follow me out of the forest.” She then released him, turned and walked away.
It was some time before the forest resumed its natural sound of sound of chirping of birds and the buzzing of insects. The breeze rustled in the tree tops again and Ahu wept silently as though she had lost something valuable but would never find it again even though the butterflies were settling on the flowers as if nothing had disturbed them. She now had a very deep secret to keep.
Ahu thought about what she had seen for a long time. Should she tell Ahuahu? How could she not tell Ahuahu?

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Rastus at the market (No 6)

I lied of course when I said we had slept well that night we stayed at Penny’s for the first time. That probably gave you the impression that with the walks and the food and the wine we soon zonked out and woke up refreshed in the morning. In Rastus’s case that was true. I think he had a few doggy dreams as his feet twitched away in his sleep chasings cats or rats and occasionally he would utter a stifled woof as he guarded us from danger in his imaginings. For us though there was that beautiful discovery period as we nervously shared Penny’s bed for the first time. I was not confidant as I was unprepared for her offer to stay overnight despite her instruction to share whatever I needed to make myself comfortable. We joked about which of her nighties I might wear and whether I needed rollers for my hair. I grabbed a quick shower and returned to the bedroom draped in towel. She had chosen the side closest to the window with the clock radio on her side so I assumed that was where she always slept. She had placed a chocolate Caramello Frog on my pillow just as though I was a welcome guest in a hotel. I put that aside and pulled back the covers and slipped into the bed. She had been looking at me all the time and but then turned over and put the light out on her side of the bed. I reached over and found her hand to hold. She in her turn reached out with her other hand and touched my face and in doing so the scent of her body wafted over me. I let go of her hand and lightly touched her naked body with my fingers as I traced my way up to take my first steps like an early explorer setting foot in finding a exotic tropical island.

“You are so beautiful, Penny.” My fingers continued to explore her and she uttered little murmurs of satisfaction as my lips now sealed my approval on every treasure I found. She was not passive though for with each new territory I charted she in her turn checked out and savoured the intruder in her domain. She traced her fingers over my nose and ears then ran them through my hair and leaned over and placed her head on my chest to listen to my heart beat.

“Penny, we can’t make love, I am not prepared.”

“I didn’t expect you to be. I may have been little peeved if you had, assuming I was a push over. The more I know you the more I find to like about you.”

So we continued our exploration of each other and to relieve the frustration every new found delight I found from her knees to her navel I scored with points out of ten. Most were nine or ten but Penny moderated the score down a little in self criticism. At some stage as I lay between her breasts I fell asleep with her arms wrapped around me.

Strangely soon after dawn she was up before me. She was standing by the window without a stitch on.

“Come back to bed”

“I daren’t, I want you so much” she stated simply. “I’ll get a cup of tea.”

We were up and taking Rastus for his walk through the park quite early and after breakfast went into Stirling township where there was a Sunday market with flags and bunting waving, the call of the vendors selling their wares and of course the inevitable smell of a barbecued meat and onions filling the air. Rastus behaved himself quite well in the crowd probably more concerned that the barbecued sausages would be on the menu. We needed nothing but to be with one another but I dallied at a bookstall and I found a couple of Leigh Child novels for Penny.

I asked her how she came to read him. Her response was unusual.

“My days are spent in a rigid environment of hospital discipline and with sick and frightened people. I find that I can enter an escapist world in his books that others might with fantasy novels or even gaming.”

I nodded an agreement; holding on to her hand which I felt was now mine. “I can remember a bookshop owner in the city telling me a similar story where a lawyer dealing with the court system, crime and criminals all day long would escape with “Mills and Boon” light romance to get it out of her system.”

We finally found a seat, a few yards from the busy market and I said simply “I am so glad I found you” and leaned over and kissed her tenderly as the world passed us by while Rastus tried to decide whose knees he should put his head on.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Ahu and Hoata visit Hatiti (No 29)

Ahuahu reported back to the village council of the demise of the pakeha intruders through the efforts of the fishing village at the big river estuary. The news of their being killed and eaten was seen as a worrying aspect likely to result in repercussions. One of the members remarked that they should have little to do with that village if they have acquired some of the pakehas traits in their actions, as no good could be seen in pakehas at all. The chief retorted “We did not choose Ahuahu for this council because of his fishing ability but in judgement and usefulness. The reason we should have nothing to do with that village because they are not to be trusted.” All nodded their agreement.
Village life soon returned to normal after the excitement of the foreigners visit had been forgotten. Hoata’s step daughter Hatiti had her first baby and both Ahu and Hoata went to visit her.
Hatiti was very pleased to see them but instead of handing her baby first to her stepmother Hoata she handed her to Ahu. Hoata said nothing and Ahu who after admiring the little one handed her on promptly to Hoata.
“Babies are such a joy,’” said Ahu “It is about time I had another one. Let us hope Hinewai has one too.” There was silence at that statement as Hoata and Hatiti glanced at each other. Hoata then got up and said she would see to the other children who were playing outside. “It sounds as though the boys are teasing Hekehoru.”
Hatiti now left alone with Ahu, patted the floor next to her for them to sit close together.
“Ahu, you are so wise and loving; you are a true sister to me. I never thought I would love Kaihutu so much, certainly not as much as you love Ahuahu. I know I made you jealous as I was searching around for love and Ahuahu appeared to be everything I wanted and I would have been willing to share him with you. But now I am so happy and as you said I would be; I do not even see his broken nose now, he is part of me.”
At this point Ahu reached out and touched Hatiti face as though she was her sister. Hatiti leaned her face into Ahu’s palm as they spoke and she hummed in satisfaction.
“Hatiti you are my sister. I am proud that you have become a mother and have given Kaihutu his first child. I can see that you truly love him.”
At this point Hoata came back into the house.
“Ahu, it wasn’t the boys teasing Hekehoru it was her teasing them.” At this all the women burst out laughing.
Later that evening at home Ahu and Ahuahu had got the children asleep and were talking quietly.
“It is time we made another baby Ahuahu.”
“We say that almost every night Ahu.”
“Then we shall have to try something different tonight,” she responded with a little grin lowering her eyes.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Rastus settles in (No 5)

Our unexpected stay over at Penny’s that weekend was a great success. Well it was certainly that way for Rastus. He settled in as though it was his home and had a contented look on his face. Hopefully there was contented look on my face as well, but Penny wasn’t quite so sure.
You are about to ask “How did we get on?” We got on very well, she was soft and beautiful and both attentive and receptive to my caressing and kissing. Rastus seemed satisfied too as he lay at our feet more than contented with his day and the fact we were together. When I let him out last thing at night for his final walk around the garden I said “Behave, no chasing possums.” He returned a few minutes later but reported no sightings.
Penny and I talked too. We talked about work and family and our childhoods and were very comfortable in each other’s company. However at one point at a break in conversation she paused then came right out with it. “You have been hurt haven’t you?”
I nodded.
“She dumped you.”
“Those are kind words. I would say I was jettisoned. Thrown overboard like rubbish from a ship.”
“I often wondered what the difference was between flotsam and jetsam. So what is flotsam?”
“Goods lost from a ship accidentally, I think. But if it washes ashore grab it quick before customs know it's there.” By this time I had returned to stroking her feet gently and counting her toes.
“Five, on each foot” she stated.
“Just checking.”
At bedtime she suggested I share her bed.
“What is the alternative?”
“Floor with Rastus, couch with a blanket, or in the garden with the possums. You choose.”
“I have no PJ’s, toothbrush or night cream.”
“I have a spare toothbrush, the rest you can share with me.”
We all slept well that night. It must have been the wine. Goodness knows what Rastus drank.
We went for another walk in the park early in the morning. It was so different at that hour. There was an early morning mist over the water at the lake and a mob of kangaroos were drinking unconcerned. Luckily I had Rastus on the lead so we steered away from them and took a circular route around the park watching the birdlife assert themselves in their chosen territory.
When we got back to Penny’s place I said to her “We will give it a try then, if that is OK?”
Penny turned to Rastus and said “What do you reckon?”
Rastus looked at us both grinning at him and barked an affirmative.
Let’s hope he keeps us together.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Ahuahu investigates (Part 28)

Ahu had more time to worry about the appointment of Ahuahu to the village council as on the following day Ahuahu was sent for by the chief and returned some hours later with a worried look on his face.
Ahu was weaving a basket as he returned as he sat down beside her. She smiled at him and said, “So they want us to plant more oca roots so we will be well fed, do they?”
He smiled back, shook his head and spoke quietly to her. He sat so close that she could feel the warmth of his body against hers and she had a feeling of desire for him as he reached around her to touch Hekehoru who was playing with the small pieces of reed.
“I have to lead a small party to investigate reports of sighting of pakeha to the south of here.” He pointed to the south east where there was a long stretch of coastline before the big river estuary half a day’s journey away.
“Is it the smelly, pink faced men again?” asked Ahu looking apprehensive.
“It could be nothing but strangers fishing from further south who have been blown off course and have now gone again. It is my job to find out. We will set off tomorrow.” Ahu paused then he went on. “I have suggested I take Kamaka with me so that he feels involved with the work.”
Ahu tried not to smile as she said, “Why don’t you go and ask him now as you have not had a discussion with him yet about the village council.”
Ahuahu hesitated a little then agreed with Ahu and went to Kamaka straight away.
Kamaka was quite happy to go with Ahuahu when they discussed the expedition. “I missed out on seeing the pakeha last time” he grinned “perhaps I can judge myself how ugly they are.”
“I was concerned that you would not approve of me being on the village council,” said Ahuahu.
Kamaka laughed outright and slapped Ahuahu on the shoulder in his normal way. “They asked me too, but I declined the offer as I had too many other family concerns as you are aware. It was me that recommended you.”
Ahuahu shook his head with a grin, “Even Ahu did not guess that. But who else should we take with us on this investigation?”
“How about we take Aata and Hunapo, even if we find nothing it will still be good day hunting.”
“So you think it is but a test?” Ahuahu said disappointed.
“Perhaps, but whatever we find we should try to make it worth our while.”
The two other young unmarried men were pleased to be asked to accompany Ahuahu and Kamaka and they all set off the next day travelling south parallel with the sea over difficult terrain with a succession of deep valleys leading down to the sea. Eventually they headed for the coast and looked for signs of disturbance in the dunes, of trees felled and fires lit. Most camping spots were old and appeared to be used by Maori like themselves where campfires were carefully extinguished and covered. There were no signs of footprints where there were solid imprints rather than bare feet, which was a sure sign of the ugly pakeha trampling through the terrain. They kept going south until they reached the Big River estuary. They could see a few boats in the water fishing in the tidal stream from villages’ further inland. They advanced to the river’s edge and spoke to one group who had just come ashore. They told them they were from Black Sands and of their search for the pakeha. The fishermen shook their heads and started to return to they boat.

“What’s the fishing like here?” Asked Kamaka.
“It is good for us but bad for you.”
Kamaka laughed, “That is a good answer.”
Ahuahu pointed to the wooded hill overlooking the river, “Is your village up there?”
The man suddenly looked frightened. He shook his head “That is a sacred site. It is better for your health that you return by the beach the way you have come.”
Ahuahu nodded, “May the gods be with you.”
They took their leave and returned to the beach to make their way back to Black Sands.
After they had walked a little way along the shore and were out of sight of the river. Ahuahu stopped and then said “We should accidentally see this sacred site. I did not like the look on that man’s face.” Kamaka nodded in agreement.

“Will you take Hunapo and check it out?” asked Ahuahu. “We will slowly walk along the beach in case they follow our tracks.”
Kamaka and Hunapo then set off inland immediately while Ahuahu and Aata made their way along the beach. Some time later just as Ahuahu started to get anxious, Kamaka finally appeared with an excited Hunapo.
“The pakeha have been but they have been eaten.” Kamaka then produced a buckled shoe from his pack. “Fishing can’t be that good at the estuary.”

Pakeha - Foreigner (normally white men)

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Rastus and me go up the hill (No 4)

It is one thing to dog sit a neighbours dog, quite another to take full responsibility for him. Mind you Rastus was quite indifferent to the changes occurring in his life. After my elderly neighbours last visit to hospital she sadly did not return home again. I took over the ownership of the dog and all his chattels with the express approval of his mistress’s relations who must have forgotten that there was someone else living in her house and the need to cover the evidence before the property could be put on the market. Rastus had accepted the change months ago and I could see his concern as each time my neighbour was permitted to go back home again to look after him. That is not to say he didn’t love her, he did. He tended to love anybody subject to smell. Which if his detection system could sense the faintest trace of food on them, for him it was love at first sniff. So Rastus took up permanent residence with me and his licence was duly cancelled and transferred to my name. By this time the metal dog tag was now a plastic one and instead of a tinkle there was a quieter “thuck, thuck” from the disk so he was duly and officially renamed Rastus.
In a braver moment I actually phoned Penny now living in the hills a few miles outside the city and told her of the change. She sounded quite pleased.
“Why don’t you come up this weekend, I can cook if you like,” she says laughing, “We can have bone stew.”
Curiously her saying that took me back a few years when our family did indeed have bone stew. I think is was a concoction of a really cheap cut of lamb cooked in the oven for hours with potatoes, carrots and other vegetables and the necessity of having a bone bowl on the table to extract the bony and gristly bits when you found them in the meal to plonk them in the dish. I think we spread curry powder on top of ours. It was a very tasty meal and I am sure Rastus would have liked it but perhaps without the curry powder. Mind you Rastus would eat almost anything. I must have been silent a little too long as Penny then said, “It’s OK, I am only kidding.”
So I arranged to visit that weekend with Rastus as she wasn’t rostered on at the hospital for change. So we got in our car and drove up the hill into the leafy area that was full of little townships and winding roads and inviting pubs and a myriad of new smells for Rastus to enjoy. I knew there would be problem with him with all the extra sensations and debated whether allow the window to be open for his head to be poking out so he could appreciate each new scent with his nose wet and twitching and his tongue hanging out and of course the self satisfied smirk on his face as well. But in the end I was strict and kept the window on his side shut until we had got off the freeway and had started to negotiate the winding roads through the villages at a more leisurely pace. He was miserable at first especially as my side window was open but he settled down as soon as he could get the breeze on his face and the smell of eucalypts on his nose and half closed his eyes in pleasure with the seductive smells of the country to savour.
We found Penny’s place after passing it once in error and drew up in the driveway. She was very pleased to see us both beaming at her with delight. Looking at how pleased Rastus appeared I hoped I didn’t look the same as him with his tongue hanging out with a stupid grin on his face. So we had to have an inspection of her place. So we traipsed around her little rental cottage and while Rastus does the real inspection of sniffing in corners for rats and cats I observe Penny who is happy and voluble telling us of how she likes it there and how peaceful it is after living in the city. She is so relaxed and I fall in love with her all over again, not that I had fallen out of love, just out of reach.
“I have a present for you’ I say, giving her a little wrapped gift.
“It is not a dog biscuit that I have to share is it?”
I shake my head while she opens the little package. It is silk scarf that belonged to my mother. It is pink with a flowing flowery pattern on.
She is stunned. “It is so beautiful.” She says looking at me with moist sparkling eyes. “I love pink.”
“It was my mothers. It is just one of the things that I just couldn’t throw away…I thought it was beautiful too. But I couldn’t wear it, could I?”
Rastus had got fed up with the tour and decided to plonk himself down at our feet.
“Up you get Rastus” she says, “We are going for a walk.” He jumps up straight away and grins at her and she tells me that there is a park close by.
Unlike the park in the city this one is far more natural with gum trees, scrubland and winding trails and a shallow lake drying out in the summer heat. We are alone and tentatively I let Rastus off the lead. He bolted off and sniffed his way around looking round every now and then to check we were following. He chased imaginary animals and completely missed the koala sitting asleep in the trunk of a tree directly above him.
We sat down on a fallen tree that was hollow and he attempted to discover what was inside and had to give up after several attempts to put more than his nose in.
After we had worn him out we made our way back to the entrance holding hands and put him back on the lead. His misery was obvious at first but he soon realised that all the exercise had made him thirsty and as we passed the lake he urged us in that direction to have a few laps of water and to threaten the ducks and moorhens by his presence.
When we got home Rastus drank a complete bowl of water and the settled down for a nap.
“I’m doing Lasagne tonight, you happy with that?” Penny called out as I was looking at her bookcase of books. She obviously liked Janet Evanovich.
“Yes that fine.” I replied.
“I have a Pinot Grigio in the fridge, you do drink don’t you?”
“Well, not if I am driving... perhaps one glass.”
“You can always stay the night, have you any other plans?”
She had come out of the kitchen and stood looking at me with those beautiful smiling eyes. "Rastus has made himself at home, why don’t you?”
Rastus was snoring happily on the floor while I remained speechless.
“I could tell by the way you looked at me that very first day we met,” she said and was about to say something else when I interrupted.
“We would be both pleased to stay.” Meanwhile Rastus snorted an affirmative in his sleep.